Friday, November 1, 2019

Animal testing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Animal testing - Research Paper Example The same applies to cosmetics since researchers investigate for the suitability of such products in animals. Animal testing therefore is a vital practice in education, defense and breading researchers with most governments formulating appropriate legislations to guide the use of animals in studies as the discussion below portrays. Government regulation is essential in safeguarding the rights of both the animals and the humans who engage in the practice. Proponents of animals testing argue on the positive attributes of the practice key among which is the fact that animal testing enhances the growth of knowledge thereby bettering such vital sciences as medicine and social arts among many others. â€Å"they feel that the scientific advances that have emerged from animal testing-such as polio vaccine and measles, cancer chemotherapy and open heart surgery- far outweigh any pain, suffering or death the animals may experience† (Hayhurst 72). Opponents of the practice on the other hand argue in favor of the animals. They claim that using animals is both unethical and breaches the rights of the animals. The studies disrupt the natural existence of the animals in their respective habitats. Furthermore, the testing includes inserting harmful substances in the bodies of the animals possibly endangering or killing such animals. Such individuals oppose the practice based on the ethical implications and the rights of the animals. Despite the above arguments, both parties contend that animal testing is important and advantageous in medical practice among others. Toxicology testing is one such important tests conducted on animals. Just as the name suggests, it refers to the testing of the toxic levels in such finished products as pesticides thereby establishing the suitability of such products. The tests investigate for the effectiveness of such pesticides and their effects on other animals including humans. The tests include testing both the

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